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Journal Evaluation & Measuring Author Impact


In 2010 the publication of the Altmetrics Manifesto called attention to a new source of data that could be used to measure the impact of research. These author and article-level metrics use evidence from a researcher's digital footprint to assess the impact and influence of that researcher in ways that are different, but complementary to, citation-based indicators that measure the influence of only peer-reviewed journal articles. 

Altmetrics uses real-time and openly accessible data from social media and other online tools to allow researchers to quickly measure public engagement with a researcher's scholarly work. Examples include: social media mentions, downloads, shares, ratings, comments, captures & exports, to name a few.​ Traditional citation-based metrics can take a while to produce usable data in comparison.

Altmetric Aggregators: tools that aggregate altmetric data to make keeping track of them easy for researchers.

Altmetric Models: documents from organizations that have created guides to help standardize the presentation of a wide variety of altmetrics.

Increasing Your Altmetric Impact

  • Using the same format for your name each time that you publish helps to ensure that all of your academic work is credited to you. Visit the Securing Your Scholarly Identity page to learn about creating author profiles and universal author identification numbers.
  • Submit your work to Open Access journals and Open Access Repositories (such as the Jefferson Digital Repository) to increase impact.
  • Learn more about Open Access and how you can do more to retain the right to make your work accessible on multiple platforms by negotiating copyright with the journals in which you publish.
  • Consider publishing your article on a pre-print server before submitting it to a scholarly journal. Some studies show that pre-print publications can increase an article's altmetric scores. Some journals will even facilitate the process of submitting articles to pre-print servers for authors.
  • Establish a presence on various academic, professional networking, and social media sites to publicize your work as you connect with others in your field.