In 2010 the publication of the Altmetrics Manifesto called attention to a new source of data that could be used to measure the impact of research. These author and article-level metrics use evidence from a researcher's digital footprint to assess the impact and influence of that researcher in ways that are different, but complementary to, citation-based indicators that measure the influence of only peer-reviewed journal articles.
Altmetrics uses real-time and openly accessible data from social media and other online tools to allow researchers to quickly measure public engagement with a researcher's scholarly work. Examples include: social media mentions, downloads, shares, ratings, comments, captures & exports, to name a few. Traditional citation-based metrics can take a while to produce usable data in comparison.
Altmetric Aggregators: tools that aggregate altmetric data to make keeping track of them easy for researchers.
Altmetric Models: documents from organizations that have created guides to help standardize the presentation of a wide variety of altmetrics.