The NIH Public Access policy requires that final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts resulting from NIH-funded activities MUST be submitted to the PubMed Central (PMC) repository upon acceptance for publication. PMC will make them available to the public within 12 months after the journal articles are published - timing is often determined by publisher agreements. You (the author/PI) are responsible for the compliance, but Library staff are ready to help you.
Please contact a librarian if you have questions about how to bring an article into compliance after reading the tutorial below or searching through this guide.
This guide presents some easy steps to follow if you have received an e-mail from the Research Administration Center of Excellence (RACE) about an article that is not compliant with the NIH’s public access policy.
1) Should the article have been linked to your grant in the first place?
Mistakes can happen, and sometimes a grant becomes associated with an article that it did not support. Learn how to disassociate your grant from an article in your NCBI My Bibliography account.
2) Is the article exempt from the Public Access Mandate?
Your article is exempt if it was:
Learn how to change the status of your article to “exempt” in the system.
3) Does the article already have a NIHMS-ID (NIH Manuscript Submission System ID)
The Public Access Compliance Monitor (PACM) Report that RACE sends you will have an NIHMS-ID listed in the third column if one has been created for the article.
If you have an NIHMSID, the article has likely stalled in the review process. Learn how to check on an article's review status, and how to take over reviewer responsibility for an article, if necessary to bring it into compliance.
4) Has it been over three months since your article was published, and it still does not have a NIHMSID?
Then you will want to learn how to start the submission process yourself.
How to disassociate your grant from an article in My Bibliography
How to change the status of your article to exempt
How to check on an article’s review status in NIHMS
How to take over reviewer responsibility for an article that is stalled in NIHMS.
How to submit an article to NIHMS to bring it into compliance