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Data Management

This guide helps researchers learn about data management, why it is important, and what tools and resources are available to help researchers do it well.

8 Reasons to Share Your Research Data

  • Visibility: It will help enhance the visibility of your research.
  • Replication and Accountability: It will allow for more efficient research and promote scientific replication while showing the relevance of your research and preventing duplication of work.
  • It’s Required: Many funding agencies, grants, and journals now require data sharing. 
  • Scientific Advancement: Sharing and re-use of your data can help advance science
  • Community Development: It will promote collaboration and cooperation within the scientific community
  • Open Access: It helps support open access principles
  • Time Savings: Putting your research in a repository allows you avoid responding to data requests and will give you more time to focus on your research.
  • Preservation: It can preserve your data, which will protect your investment of time and resources for the long-term.