If you would like to browse, most Urban Design books are located in the 700s. Here are some areas to get you started.
710 Civic & landscape art
711 Area planning (Civic art)
712 Landscape architecture
713 Landscape architecture of trafficways
300 collections composed of over 2 million images. These curated images have been rights-cleared for use in education and research — you are free to use them in classroom instruction and handouts, presentations, student assignments, and other noncommercial educational and scholarly activities.
This is part of MadCad and provides full text access to a selection of building codes and standards from ICC, ASTM, NFPA and more. When searching, select "Subscribed Books" to limit to full text access.
Provides comprehensive content on sustainable design practices and green building materials. Shares expertise and lessons learned from design experts working in the field. Builds context for sustainable design strategies and what makes a building product or material green.
Contents include: Advertising, packaging and product design, Architecture, Crafts, Ceramics, glass and jewelry, Industrial design, Graphic design, Fashion and textiles, Sustainable design, Furniture and interior design, Fiber arts
Includes environment journals and monographs covering agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, public policy, sustainability and other related subjects.
"GreenFILE covers the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology."
Core scholarly journals, books: humanities, social sciences, sciences