Business Source Premier provides full text for nearly 8,350 scholarly business journals and other sources, some dating back to 1922. Also includes company and industry reports.
Contents include: Advertising, packaging and product design, Architecture, Crafts, Ceramics, glass and jewelry, Industrial design, Graphic design, Fashion and textiles, Sustainable design, Furniture and interior design, Fiber arts
"GreenFILE covers the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology."
Full-text of articles from scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and mathematics (usually published more than 5 years ago). Also includes images, contributed archival collections, ebooks and the following primary source collections:
Springer Nature Link offers over 1,200 journals in full text. In addition to biomedical journals, subjects include mathematics, linguistics, material sciences, computer science, law and many other fields.
Nexis Uni replaced LexisNexis Academic. It features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.