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Interlibrary Loan - EZBorrow and ILLiad

A guide to requesting books and articles from other libraries

ILLiad How-To

Request articles not available through TJU Libraries, and borrow books not found through EZBorrow, using ILLiad.
First time users will be asked to register before requesting items.

Choose your affiliated campus:

Select Article, Book or Book Chapter from the New Requests menu. Please provide as much information as you can to ensure you receive the correct item.

ILLiad Overview

ILLiad is the software used by TJU Libraries to process ILL requests. It allows patrons to place ILL requests, track requests, check due dates, renew items, and view ILL borrowing history. Each item must be requested online through the patron's ILLiad account.

  • ILLiad is used for journal article and book chapter requests. Books not available in EZBorrow may be requested through ILLiad.
  • The loan period for books is set by the lending library; the due date will be shown on a label on the front of the book.
  • Renewals may be requested through your ILLiad account.
  • All notifications of book status will come to your Jefferson email.