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Nutrition and Dietetic Practice

Starting points for research in Nutrition and Dietetic Practice.

Background Information

Many databases contain records that can help you familiarize yourself with your topic. The resources listed below are just a select few that can help with your early research. If you are having trouble narrowing records down to ones that relate to the history or overview of your subject, try adding related keywords to your topic search like history, overvieworigin, development, evolutiondefinition, synopsis, timeline, evolution, criticism, etc.

Search Keywords

Unlike Google, most databases you search in will try to match records to the exact search terms you use and will not automatically search for related terms. Therefore it is important to identify appropriate keywords that will match with records relevant to your research. Building from your topic's background information, think about your topic's who, what, where, when, why, and how. (This strategy is also a good way to brainstorm and organize as you're beginning your research.) Use the nouns associated with those question words as search terms. If one search term or combination of terms doesn't get you what you need, that's okay! Try using a synonym or a different combination of terms until you start getting relevant results. Research is a process, and it's completely normal to do multiple searches.