"This template provides general guidance for those who are undertaking systematic reviews. It is suggested that different team members contribute to the DMP based on the stage of the review process in which they will be involved in creating data."
What is Covidence
Covidence (rhymes with Providence) is a web-based tool that will help you through the process of screening your references, data extraction, and keeping track of your work. It is particularly useful for researchers conducting a systematic review, meta-analysis or clinical guideline.
How to join Jefferson’s Covidence institutional license
You can create your personal sign-in information with Covidence before or after joining the institutional subscription. To request access to the institutional account in Covidence, you must use your current Jefferson email address (@jefferson.edu or @students.jefferson.edu).
Creating a review using the Jefferson unlimited license
After clicking the link “Create new review” you will have the option to use your personal account license or select the Jefferson account. Reviews created under the institutional license will be visible to the administrators of the Jefferson Covidence account. Your personal account review(s) will only be seen by you.
Once you have created a review or accepted an invitation to another Jefferson account review, the title will appear in a separate section on your account homepage:
Working with review team members from Jefferson or other institutions?
1. Once a review is created, you are able to add co-reviewers.
2. Navigate to Settings > Reviewers.
3. Click on “Invite another reviewer” and enter your reviewers' first names and email addresses to invite them
Happy Reviewing!
A systematic review requires collaboration of multiple authors who review citations exported from each database into a bibliographic management tool such as RefWorks or EndNote. Organization of citations in RefWorks can follow the PRISMA Flow Diagram which depicts a natural flow of citations, starting from raw numbers of retrieved results to the final set of articles included in the systematic review.
Create Folders to Follow PRISMA 2020. Include the number prefixes.
Folder | Description and process |
1 PUBMED 1 Scopus |
Records identified from database searches. |
1 Duplicates removed | Merged database records before de-duplication minus merged database records after de-duplication. |
2 Records screened | Merged database records minus Duplicates removed. Eligibility screening via title and abstract. |
2 Records excluded | Records screened via title and abstract not meeting eligibility criteria. |
3 Reports sought | Records screened via title and abstract meeting eligibility criteria. Retrieval of full text. |
3 Reports not retrieved | Full text unavailable from Reports sought. |
4 Reports assessed | Reports sought minus Reports not retrieved. Full text assessed via eligibility criteria. |
4 Reports excluded | Full text Reports assessed not meeting eligibility criteria. |
5 Reports included | Reports assessed meeting eligibility criteria minus Reports excluded. Studies included in review. Reports of included studies. |
Mapping those 8 RefWorks folders to a PRISMA Flow Diagram:
EndNote 20 can be used to deduplicate article records exported from multiple scholarly literature databases. You can install EndNote 20 through Jefferson at the link below. Then follow the step-by-step walkthrough.