EndNote 20 features include the ability to:
EndNote is available to Thomas Jefferson University faculty, students and staff; Jefferson Hospitals: TJUH, JHN and Methodist clinicians and staff; and Jefferson residents, postdocs and fellows.
Jefferson Libraries has transitioned from EZproxy to OpenAthens authentication for access to journal articles. EndNote Desktop is not supported by OpenAthens and only the OpenURL Path may be added via Preferences (Authenticate with: URL: input field is now left empty).
To attach a PDF to a citation manager (during or after the import process), you’ll need to configure the citation manager tool with the library’s OpenURL (https://jefferson.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/openurl/01TJU_INST/01TJU_INST:01TJU?):
Please note: without the Authenticate with: URL: EndNote's Find Full Text is not totally functional at this time (we hope for an eventual fix) as it is only relying upon the OpenURL to import PDFs.
EndNote Click is an alternative option for capturing full text (PDFs must have embedded digital object identifiers to be successfully imported).
Due to conflicts with citation IDs, it is recommended that one author be responsible for writing (inserting in-text citations and creating bibliographies) the manuscript.